We are approaching 2023, and there have been several Blogger changes in recent years. And if you're still utilizing an atom feed as a sitemap for your Blogger blog, you're doing it wrong. This post will show you how to download the most recent XML sitemap for Blogger blogs and pages and submit it to Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster, and other search engines.
A sitemap is essential for a website or blog since it assists search engines in discovering accessible material and site structure. As a result, an XML sitemap is crucial for a website in order to give search engines the flow of material available on your website.
A sitemap is a website map, as the name indicates. It will generate a whole website mapping that includes all pages and articles. There are two types of sitemaps:
- Search Engine XML Sitemap for Yandex Search Engine, Bing Webmaster Tool, and Google Search Console.
- For users of Blogger blogs, an HTML sitemap.
How to Create Blogger's XML Sitemap for Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tool
- For all Blogger Blog Posts XML Sitemap https://example.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml.
- For all Blogger Pages XML Sitemap https://example.blogspot.com/sitemap-pages.xml
- For all Blogger Blog Posts XML Sitemap https://www.example.com/sitemap.xml
- For all Blogger Pages XML Sitemap https://www.example.com/sitemap-pages.xml
How is an XML sitemap used? The URL of a new post or page that you publish to the website is immediately fetched in the sitemap. Furthermore, the "Hey, search engine crawler, what you're doing?" sitemap ping to the search engine. Please index my new page. "Okay, I'll be there to assess the website's quality and properly index it," the search engine replies. The search engine then crawls newly published sites or articles.
To enhance search results and evaluate SEO, the website's sitemap must be submitted to the search console. You can monitor and raise the rank of ranking keywords with the aid of webmaster tools.
XML sitemap submission to Google Search Console for Blogger
Send the XML sitemap file to Google Search Console to boost the Blogger blog's organic traffic. You must register for Google Search Console in order to do this. Then, as seen below, go to Google Search Console and select Start Now.
The website now leads to Google Search Console, where you must confirm that your Blogger blog is a prefix for URLs. Do not verify the domain since you are not the owner. The HTML tag approach is one option for validating your website. To add the HTML tag, you must update the Blogger template. then select Verify. After the site has been verified, select the sitemap option from the menu on the left.
1- Enter the sitemaps for posts and pages by clicking on sitemaps.
- sitemap.xml
- sitemap-pages.xml
Use robots.txt to submit your sitemap to other search engines.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemap.xml
Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemap-pages.xml